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Dating Latin Women: Unmistakable Signs You’re at a Latino Thanksgiving


The post Dating Latin Women: Unmistakable Signs You’re at a Latino Thanksgiving appeared first on International Dating Advice for Men Seeking Foreign Brides.

If you’ve dated Latin women, then you might have been invited to one of their Thanksgiving dinners and noticed that a Latino Thanksgiving is different from your typical Thanksgiving. From food to practices, Latino families have put their own unique spin to the popular American holiday with their own version.

So, what makes a Latino Thanksgiving different from the usual Thanksgiving? Let’s find out. Check out what are the signs that you’re unmistakably at a Latino Thanksgiving.

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  1. It’s a family affair.

Because having close family ties are deeply embedded in their culture and the subsequently increased emphasis on family values, most Latin families make this holiday a family affair and reunion.

This is why Latino Thanksgivings don’t just include the immediate family members; almost all of their extended family is invited. This includes their tios, tias, cousins, abuelos, abuelas – you name it. When dating a Latina girl, you should get used to this.

It can get crowded and because it’s difficult to cram that many people into their home, Latino Thanksgiving dinners are often a standing room only event, and dinner is served buffet-style.

The great thing about their culture of close family ties is that even if you’re not officially a part of the family yet, they will treat you that way. After all, Thanksgiving is the time to be with family and be grateful for the things we have.

  1. Food is enhanced with the unique Latino flavor.

Latino families take Thanksgiving food to another level by adding their own unique twist to popular Thanksgiving staples like mashed potatoes and of course, the turkey. This makes Thanksgiving dinner different in a way that’s uniquely Latino.

By adding avocado to cranberries and making cranberry avocado salsa and opting for elotes instead of canned corn, Latino families keep their culture and traditions intact even when celebrating another country’s holiday. You would definitely appreciate their food as the Latino flavor is distinct. Expect to always want to come back for more.

Moreover, Latino families enhance the Thanksgiving experience by adding their own delicacies and specialties to the mix to make it theirs. Plus, more often than not, these recipes have been passed down from one generation to the next. This makes it all the more special.

If you have a sweet tooth, then be prepared for the decadence of Latino Thanksgiving desserts. Take one bite of their dishes and you will wonder what else you’ve been missing out on.

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  1. The day is not complete without alcohol.

Aside from using this day as a way to reunite and catch up with family members, Latino families also often use this holiday as a way to celebrate and party which means there’s plenty of alcohol to go around.

For many Latino families, Thanksgiving is not just a holiday to give thanks for everything but also a day to celebrate the things they’re thankful for. Moreover, no fiesta is complete without a bit of alcohol. Get your energy ready as it’s going to be a long night of fun and excitement then.

  1. Get ready to bust out your dance moves.

Learning how to dance should be something of a pre-requisite if you’re planning to date single Latin women.

Since they consider Thanksgiving a time to give thanks and celebrate, you can expect that there’s going to be some dancing involved when you’re invited to a Latino Thanksgiving. It’s all part of the fun and like the alcohol, no fiesta is complete without members of the family busting out their sweet dance moves. Dancing should also be a part of the advice given when asked how to date a Latina woman because it’s almost always a given that some dancing will be involved in their family gatherings – Thanksgiving included.

  1. It’s a time to reminisce.

Another notable thing about Latino Thanksgiving is that aside from using this holiday to catch up with family members, they also use this chance to take a stroll down memory lane, so don’t be surprised when a family member sits you down to look at old photo albums. Apparently, nostalgia is another thing that makes their family even closer.

So get comfortable and be prepared to listen to the countless stories of their abuelo and abuela’s younger years. This is also a great way to get to know your special Latina girl more. You get to be in her world and immerse in all the love that surrounds her.

  1. Music is a higher priority than watching football.

If you plan on watching the game after the usual Thanksgiving parade, then be prepared to watch it on mute as music will be blasting through the speakers to set the mood while the scrumptious meal is being prepared.

Some dancing will probably happen then as well, so get ready to bust out your sweet moves. Enjoy the beat and have a great time.

Closing Thoughts

Latin American culture is rich with generations-old traditions and practices– something that can be evidently seen in the way they celebrate Thanksgiving. They have managed to incorporate their unique culture into the popular American holiday, making it even more special.

Latino Thanksgiving traditions are as striking and one-of-a-kind as their beautiful Latin girls. With their own twist to traditional Thanksgiving food and practices, attending and celebrating a Latino Thanksgiving is surely an experience you won’t forget.

The post Dating Latin Women: Unmistakable Signs You’re at a Latino Thanksgiving appeared first on International Dating Advice for Men Seeking Foreign Brides.

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